Her life had been one of extremes ever since Vickie Lynn Hogan escaped the high school dropout life of teen bride. First married to a fry cook named Billy Smith in Mexia, Tex., she later worked at Wal-Mart and waitressed at Red Lobster before heading to Houston to pursue her fortune as a topless dancer. It was as a stripper that she met Marshall, 63 years her senior.
She was one of the original celebrity-train-wreck girls, undeniably beautiful but ultimately more famous for the calamities of her life than her accomplishments. Her knack for upstaging could be both a gift and a curse. In 2005, she popped up backstage at a Live 8 concert in Philadelphia, dressed in tight jeans and a nearly absent pink top, her Mystic Tan gleaming. She shook her implants and shimmied for the cameras as actor Will Smith began a somber speech about children starving to death in Africa.