wore a black hat
ate lots of chicken
and conquered half europe
was caught by the british
imprisoned on elba
he died on the phone
[favorite lyrics about Napoleon, from Robin Hitchcock’s Cynthia Mask]

New favorite movie about Napoleon is The Emperor’s New Clothes
From Netflix:
In this whimsical tale based on Simon Leys’s novel The Death of Napoleon, the exiled Napoleon Bonaparte (Ian Holm) trades places with a look-alike—a common drunk—and makes his way back to Paris in disguise, intent on reclaiming his throne. During his travels, he discovers that France has changed in many humorous ways—and finds love with a melon-selling widow named Pumpkin (Iben Hjejlie).
Came out around 2002, seems to be an Italian production, may not have been widely released over here. Director is Alan Taylor, who seems to mostly to really good television. Sopranos, Six Feet Under, etc.
Have always been quite fond of Ian Holm. Met him briefly in a bar in New York ages ago.